baseschematic: ..\..\..\..\..\..\LTC3406B - DVM ADVANCED.sxsch log_file: ..\..\..\..\dvm_advanced.log simulator: simplis screenshot: schematic.png deck: input.deck init: input.deck.init test_argument: Steady-State|Steady-State|Vin Nominal|50% Load datetimestamp: 4/17/2013 10:02:26 AM status: RUN scalar: Power(SRC)=1.42777 scalar: Power(LOAD)=1.1297 scalar: Efficiency=79.1235% feature: DVM LOAD#pop scalar: Pk2Pk(VLOAD)=7.30416m spec: Min_VLOAD=pass,Min. Output1 Voltage (1.50168) is greater than or equal to Min. Output1 Voltage Spec (1.42975) spec: Max_VLOAD=pass,Max. Output1 Voltage (1.50898) is less than or equal to Max. Output1 Voltage Spec (1.58025) stats: N/A numgraphs: 4 scalar: Min(VSRC)=4.99897 scalar: Max(VSRC)=5 scalar: Avg(VSRC)=4.99971 scalar: RMS(VSRC)=4.99971 scalar: Min(ISRC)=423.431u scalar: Max(ISRC)=1.03248 scalar: Avg(ISRC)=285.599m scalar: RMS(ISRC)=475.287m graphid: 711 graphname: DVM SRC#pop sg: simplis_pop18_711 path: simplis_pop18_711.sxgph curve715:VSRC,FF0000 curve721:ISRC,008000 png: simplis_pop18_711.png scalar: Min(VLOAD)=1.50168 scalar: Max(VLOAD)=1.50898 scalar: Avg(VLOAD)=1.50563 scalar: RMS(VLOAD)=1.50563 scalar: Min(ILOAD)=748.345m scalar: Max(ILOAD)=751.985m scalar: Avg(ILOAD)=750.315m scalar: RMS(ILOAD)=750.316m graphid: 716 graphname: DVM LOAD#pop sg: simplis_pop18_716 path: simplis_pop18_716.sxgph curve720:VLOAD,FF0000 curve723:ILOAD,008000 png: simplis_pop18_716.png graphid: 694 graphname: default#694#pop sg: simplis_pop18_694 path: simplis_pop18_694.sxgph graphid: 699 graphname: clock#pop sg: simplis_pop18_699 path: simplis_pop18_699.sxgph rstatus: PASS