Installing Training Course Network License

This topic explains how to switch your license from the portable (USB key) or network license for the duration of the training course. You will need to access our training course network license for the duration of the course, as we will use some features which may not be present in your license. Once the course is over, you will need to reinstall your corporate license.

In this topic:

SIMPLIS uses two different kinds of licenses:

In the next section you will determine which license type you are currently using.

Determine Your Existing Corporate License Information

The first step is to determine your existing license type and location. To determine your existing license, follow these steps:

  1. Open SIMetrix/SIMPLIS
  2. From the menu bar, select the Help > License Diagnostics... menu item.
    Result: The License Information dialog opens and displays your license information. Depending on your license type, you will have the Network (left) or NodeLocked/Portable (right) license information on the dialog.
    Network NodeLocked/Portable
  3. Backup your license information. What to do depends on whether you have a Network or NodeLocked license.
    • If you have a Network license,

      1. Click Ok on the License Diagnostics dialog.
      2. On this hyperlink, create_reinstall_license_script.sxscr, right click and choose Save Link As... and save the script to your Desktop.
      3. Run the script by pressing and holding down Ctrl while dragging it from your Desktop to the SIMetrix/SIMPLIS Main Window.
        Result: The script creates the reinstall_corporate_license.sxscr script which you will use after the course to reinstall your corporate network license. You will be prompted to save the file:
      4. Select your Desktop and Click Save.
        Result: The script file reinstall_corporate_license.sxscr is saved to your Desktop.
    • If you have a NodeLocked license,
      1. Open a Windows Explorer window.
      2. Navigate to the Location directory listed in the License Diagnostics dialog. In Windows 7 and 8, this directory is typically C:\ProgramData\SIMetrix Technologies\License. On Windows XP, this directory is something like C:\documents and settings\All Users\Application Data\SIMetrix Technologies\License.
        Tip: On some computers the ProgramData directory is hidden, and you may have to copy/paste the directory path in the location bar of the Explorer window.
      3. Copy the license file(s) to your Desktop. These are the backup copies of your license(s).
      4. Click Ok on the License Diagnostics dialog.
    Important: If you don't backup your license information, it will be difficult to reinstall your corporate license.

Installing The Network License For The Training Course

You will now install the network license for the training course. To install the license, follow these steps:

  1. From the SIMetrix/SIMPLIS menu bar, select the Help > Reinstall License... menu item.
    Result: A message box opens warning you that your license information will be deleted.
  2. Click OK, then close and reopen SIMetrix/SIMPLIS.
    Result: When you reopen SIMetrix/SIMPLIS, the Select License Type dialog opens:
  3. Select the Network radio button, and click the Close button.
    Result: The Get License Server dialog opens:
  4. Enter 27000@ in the box, and click the Close button.
    Result: SIMetrix/SIMPLIS will start using the training course network license. It may take a few seconds to start SIMetrix/SIMPLIS. The command shell will have the normal start message:
    License expires 21-nov-2014 
    Welcome to SIMetrix/SIMPLIS Pro with DVM Version 8.00e

What Can Go Wrong?

If after entering the license server information on the Get License Server dialog and clicking Close you get the following message:

This means the program couldn't reach the license server to checkout a license. There are several reasons this could occur:

Reinstalling Your Corporate License After The Course

If you have a Network license:

  1. From the SIMetrix/SIMPLIS menu bar, select the Help > Reinstall License... menu item.
    Result: A message box opens warning you that your license information will be deleted.
  2. Click Ok on the Reinstall License dialog.
  3. Press and hold the Ctrl key while dragging the reinstall_corporate_license.sxscr from your Desktop to the SIMetrix/SIMPLIS Main Window. This is the script you created in the Determine Your Existing Corporate License Information section. If you don't have this script you will have to contact your corporate network administrator to determine the port and server location.
    Result: Your corporate network license information is restored. A message box opens showing your port and server.
  4. Close and restart SIMetrix/SIMPLIS to use your corporate network license.

If you have a NodeLocked/Portable license:

  1. From the SIMetrix/SIMPLIS menu bar, select the Help > Reinstall License... menu item.
    Result: A message box opens warning you that your license information will be deleted.
  2. Click OK on the Reinstall License dialog and close and restart SIMetrix/SIMPLIS.
  3. You will be presented with the Select License Type dialog:
  4. Click Close.
    Result: The program opens a file browser for you to select the backup copy of your corporate license. You created these in the
    Determine Your Existing Corporate License Information section.
  5. Navigate to your Desktop and select the license you backed up in the earlier step.

If you have lost your backup copy, don't worry. When you selected the Help > Reinstall License... menu item, the program created a backup copy. There should be a backup sub-directory in your C:\ProgramData\SIMetrix Technologies\License directory. The program copies your current license file(s) to this directory. If a name conflict exists, the program appends an decimal and an integer to each backup copy's filename. To restore these licenses, you will have to manually rename the file to a .lic extension. The file with the highest integer extension will be the last backup copy.