2.4.5 The .GRAPH Statement

To download the examples for Module 2, click Module_2_Examples.zip

In this topic:

What You Will Learn

Getting Started

Exercise #1: Run a Simulation With a .GRAPH Statement

  1. Open the schematic 2.6_SelfOscillatingConverter_POP_dot_graph.sxsch.
  2. Run the simulation.
    Result: The POP simulation executes and the frequency spectrum of the current in V1 is automatically plotted on the waveform viewer:


In the previous topic, 2.4.4 Plotting Frequency Spectrums, you learned how to generate frequency spectrum plots using the Spectrum function. In this topic you will automatically plot the Spectrum function using the .GRAPH statement.

The .GRAPH statement is the underlying method SIMetrix/SIMPLIS uses to automatically generate curves after a simulation completes. A fixed schematic probe is nothing more than a symbol which composes an appropriate .GRAPH statement for plotting after the simulation completes. Because the .GRAPH statement is well documented and you have a way to add content to the netlist with the command (F11) window, you can easily generate your own custom probes using the .GRAPH statement.

In the example from the Getting Started section, a Spectrum function is used in conjunction with a .GRAPH statement to generate the frequency spectrum plot. The .GRAPH statement is stored in the F11 window of the schematic. To view the .GRAPH statement,

  1. Press F11 to open the command (F11) window.
  2. Scroll down until you come to the lines shown in the box below. The three lines after the comment line generate the spectrum graph:
    *** graphs a frequency spectrum using the Spectrum function 
    .GRAPH "Spectrum( :V1#P , 4096 )" 
    + axisType="auto" persistence=1 graphName="spectrum" curveLabel=".GRAPH Spectrum" 
    + analysis="pop" xLog="auto" yLog="lin"  nowarn=true xLabel="Frequency" yLabel="Spectrum(V1)" xUnit="Hz" yUnit="A"
The Simulator Reference Manual describes all .GRAPH options. Only a few options are covered here. First, the .GRAPH line below contains the .GRAPH command and the expression to be plotted.
.GRAPH "Spectrum( :V1#P , 4096 )"

The expression must be enclosed in double quotes. Notice this expression is exactly the same expression you used in the previous 2.4.4 Plotting Frequency Spectrums topic. Spaces have been added for readability. All whitespace is removed when evaluating expressions.

For clarity, the line continuation character is used to continue the .GRAPH statement. When the plus sign + is the first character on a line, the program will concatenate the line with the previous line, producing one line which has the same content as the previous line and the current line. This process will repeat for every line which starts with a line continuation character. The options start on the next line:
+ axisType="auto" persistence=1 graphName="spectrum" curveLabel=".GRAPH Spectrum"
The only option covered here is the curveLabel. This option determines the text to display on the graph legend. The last line reads:
+ analysis="pop" xLog="auto" yLog="lin"  nowarn=true xLabel="Frequency" yLabel="Spectrum(V1)" xUnit="Hz" yUnit="A"

This line sets up the axis labels and units, as well as the scaling for the axes. The analysis option is particularly important. Because the analysis option is set to pop, the curve is only generated for POP analyses.

A few rules will be helpful when composing .GRAPH statements:

The spectrum plotted in the Getting Started section contains more frequencies than you might want. The next exercise truncates the plot with the built-in Truncate function.

Exercise #2: Limiting the Frequency Range with the Truncate Function

The Truncate function creates a new vector from an existing vector. The new vector will have a x-axis range defined by the 2nd and 3rd arguments, and in this exercise you will limit the frequency range to between 0 and 1.6Meg Hz. The expression you need to accomplish this is:
"Truncate( Mag( Spectrum( :V1#P , 2^12 ) ) , 0 , 1.6Meg )"

This expression has three nested functions. The functions are evaluated in order from the inner-most to the outer-most. In this example, the three functions evaluated are:

  • Spectrum( :V1#P , 2^12 )
  • Mag( Spectrum( :V1#P , 2^12 ) )
  • Truncate( Mag( Spectrum( :V1#P , 2^12 ) ) , 0 , 1.6Meg )

You have to insert the Mag() function because the Spectrum function returns the complex data from the FFT, and the Truncate function is expecting a real argument. The Mag() function takes the magnitude of the complex argument, returning a real vector. You then pass this result onto the Truncate function to chop off the higher frequencies plot the result.

The example schematic already has the .GRAPH statement for this exercise stored in the F11 window of the schematic. All you need to do is comment out the default .GRAPH statement, and un-comment the new .GRAPH statement. To produce the spectrum curve over a more limited frequency span,

  1. Press F11 to open the command (F11) window.
  2. Scroll down to the first un-commented .GRAPH line. You are looking for the lines:
    .GRAPH "Spectrum( :V1#P , 4096 )" 
    + axisType="auto" persistence=1 graphName="spectrum" curveLabel=".GRAPH Spectrum" 
    + analysis="pop" xLog="auto" yLog="lin"  nowarn=true xLabel="Frequency" yLabel="Spectrum(V1)" xUnit="Hz" yUnit="A"
  3. Type an asterisk before each of the .GRAPH and two options lines which start with a + character.
  4. Scroll down to the next block of text which defines the truncated frequency spectrum.
    *** graphs a truncated frequency spectrum using the Spectrum function 
    *** Exercise #1: comment out the above .GRAPH lines and options, uncomment the next three lines
    *.GRAPH "Truncate( Mag( Spectrum( :V1#P , 2^12 ) ) , 0 , 1.6Meg )"
    *+ axisType="auto" persistence=1 graphName="spectrum" curveLabel="Truncated .GRAPH Spectrum"
    *+ analysis="pop" xLog="auto" yLog="lin" nowarn=true xLabel="Frequency" yLabel="Spectrum(V1)" xUnit="Hz" yUnit="A"
  5. Delete the leading asterisks from the .GRAPH and two options lines. The new text should be exactly:
    *** graphs a truncated frequency spectrum using the Spectrum function 
    *** Exercise #1: comment out the above .GRAPH lines and options, uncomment the next three lines
    .GRAPH "Truncate( Mag( Spectrum( :V1#P , 2^12 ) ) , 0 , 1.6Meg )"
    + axisType="auto" persistence=1 graphName="spectrum" curveLabel="Truncated .GRAPH Spectrum" 
    + analysis="pop" xLog="auto" yLog="lin" 
    	 nowarn=true xLabel="Frequency" yLabel="Spectrum(V1)" 
    	 xUnit="Hz" yUnit="A"
  6. Close the waveform viewer and run the simulation.
    Result: The new spectrum plot is generated over the frequency range of zero to 1.6Meg Hz.

Exercise #3: Adding a Second Curve to the same Graph

In this short example you will add another curve to the Spectrum graph. The new curve will plot the maximum values of the Spectrum, that is, a spectral envelope.

The built-in function Maxima returns a vector containing the local maxima of the vector supplied as the argument. The expression you need to plot the spectral envelope is:
"Maxima( Truncate( Mag( Spectrum( :V1#P , 2^12 ) ) , 40k , 1.6Meg ) )"

Note that compared to exercise #1, you have only added the Maxima function around the original Spectrum function. You also have changed the minimum frequency range on the Truncate function to eliminate the DC value, which is not of interest here. As with exercise #1, the .GRAPH statement and the associated options are already located in the F11 window. To add the spectral envelope,

  1. Press F11 to open the command (F11) window.
  2. Scroll down to the last block of text. The text should be as follows:
    *** this .GRAPH statement adds a curve at the maxima of the spectrum
    *** Exercise #2: Uncomment the next three lines
    *.GRAPH "Maxima( Truncate( Mag( Spectrum( :V1#P , 2^12 ) ) , 40k , 1.6Meg ) )"
    *+ axisType="auto" persistence=1 graphName="spectrum" curveLabel="Spectral Envelope"
    *+ analysis="pop" xLog="auto" yLog="lin" nowarn=true xLabel="Frequency" yLabel="Spectrum(V1)" 
    	 xUnit="Hz" yUnit="A"
  3. Delete the leading asterisks from the .GRAPH and two options lines. The new text should be exactly:
    *** this .GRAPH statement adds a curve at the maxima of the spectrum
    *** Exercise #2: Uncomment the next three lines
    .GRAPH "Maxima( Truncate( Mag( Spectrum( :V1#P , 2^12 ) ) , 40k , 1.6Meg ) )"
    + axisType="auto" persistence=1 graphName="spectrum" curveLabel="Spectral Envelope"
    + analysis="pop" xLog="auto" yLog="lin" nowarn=true xLabel="Frequency" yLabel="Spectrum(V1)" 
    	 xUnit="Hz" yUnit="A"
    You must comment out each line or syntax errors will halt the simulation.
  4. Close the waveform viewer and run the simulation.
    Result: The Spectral Envelope curve is added to the Truncated .GRAPH Spectrum plot.

Exercise #4: What Can Go Wrong?

The .GRAPH statement itself doesn't generate the actual vectors in the data group. You must tell the simulator to output the vectors you wish to graph with either a .KEEP statement, or with a .PRINT statement. In the two exercises, the Save options were set to "All," meaning all top level voltages and currents were output to the data group. Even so, best practices would dictate that you ensure the data is generated, no matter the simulation settings. To do this, a .PRINT statement has already been added to the F11 window. The .PRINT statement and the comment describing it is:
*** this .PRINT statement brings individual vectors out to the data group. .PRINT I(V1)

In this exercise you will comment out the .PRINT statement and change the Save options to output only voltages. The vector which you are probing is a current, and will no longer be output to the data group. This will prevent the plotting of the curves which are functions of the input current V1#P. As you will see, the .GRAPH statement will fail and no spectrum plots will be generated.

  1. Close the waveform viewer window.
  2. On the schematic window, press F11 to open the command (F11) window.
  3. Type an asterisk before the .PRINT statement. The F11 window content should look like:
    *** this .PRINT statement brings individual vectors out to the data group.
    *.PRINT I(V1)
  4. From the schematic menu, select Simulator > Choose Analysis... Choose Analysis... menu option. The keyboard shortcut F8 will execute this menu item.
    Result: The Choose Analysis dialog opens to the POP tab:
  5. Select the Voltages Only radio button as shown below:
  6. Click Run.
    Result: The Spectrum plot is not generated because the current vector V1#P is not output to the data group.

Conclusions and Key Points to Remember