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x2=240 y2=168 Segment x1=240 y1=168 x2=540 y2=168 Segment x1=240 y1=60 x2=240 y2=84 Segment x1=360 y1=-120 x2=360 y2=120 Segment x1=360 y1=120 x2=600 y2=0 Segment x1=360 y1=60 x2=240 y2=60 Segment x1=420 y1=-24 x2=444 y2=-24 Segment x1=420 y1=24 x2=420 y2=-24 Segment x1=432 y1=-24 x2=432 y2=24 Segment x1=432 y1=24 x2=408 y2=24 Segment x1=504 y1=180 x2=576 y2=180 Segment x1=516 y1=192 x2=564 y2=192 Segment x1=528 y1=204 x2=552 y2=204 Segment x1=540 y1=24 x2=540 y2=180 Segment x1=600 y1=0 x2=360 y2=-120 Segment x1=600 y1=0 x2=840 y2=0 Segment x1=720 y1=-240 x2=120 y2=-240 Segment x1=720 y1=240 x2=720 y2=-240 Pin name="IN" order=1 x=0 y=0 visible=0 Pin name="OUT" order=2 x=840 y=0 visible=0 Property name="INIT_SCRIPT" value="ic_parameterised_subckt 'VALUE'" autopos=0 x=240 y=960 align=LeftBase protected=1 visible=0 font=Default Property name="MODEL" value="X" autopos=0 x=240 y=1200 align=LeftBase protected=1 visible=0 font=Default Property name="PARAM_MODEL_NAME" value="PERIODIC_OP" 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y1=270 x2=-36 y2=270 Segment x1=36 y1=90 x2=36 y2=270 Pin name="N" order=2 x=0 y=360 visible=0 Pin name="P" order=1 x=0 y=0 visible=0 Property name="MODEL" value="R" autopos=1 normal=Left rotated=Left visible=0 font=Default Property name="INCSCRIPT" value="inc_dec_passive 0" autopos=1 normal=Left rotated=Left protected=1 visible=0 font=Default Property name="DECSCRIPT" value="inc_dec_passive 1" autopos=1 normal=Left rotated=Left protected=1 visible=0 font=Default Property name="VALUE" value="1K" autopos=1 normal=Right rotated=Top font=Default Property name="REF" value="R?" autopos=1 normal=Right rotated=Bottom font=Default Property name="SIMULATOR" value="DUAL" autopos=1 normal=Left rotated=Left protected=1 visible=0 font=Default .EndSymbol .Symbol Attributes name="InlineCurrentProbe" description="Inline Current Probe" catalog="Connections;Probes" track=1 Segment x1=0 y1=0 x2=48 y2=48 Segment x1=120 y1=24 x2=168 y2=48 Segment x1=168 y1=48 x2=120 y2=72 Segment x1=192 y1=48 x2=240 y2=0 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rotated=Right font=Default Netnames pin1="2" pin2="8" pin3="0" pin4="3" pin5="0" .EndInstance .Instance Attributes type=symbol name="Free_text" selected=0 protected=0 x=3360 y=3000 orient=N0 Property name="VALUE" value="When Q1 is a Level = 2 FET model,\n\nThere are 20 time constants in the .tc file\nThe smallest base-2 time constant is: 2^-41\nWhich in base-10 is approximately : 4.55e-013\n\n36 New Topologies are required to reach steady state." autopos=0 x=0 y=156 align=LeftBase linear=1 selectable=1 font=FreeText Netnames .EndInstance .Instance Attributes type=symbol name="InlineCurrentProbe" selected=0 protected=0 x=6120 y=2040 orient=N0 Property name="PROBE_DISABLED" value="false" autopos=0 x=0 y=864 align=LeftTop visible=0 font=Default Property name="REF" value="IPROBE2" autopos=1 normal=Top rotated=Right visible=0 font=Default Property name="LABEL" value="iG" autopos=1 normal=Top rotated=Right font=Default Property name="VALUE" value="axisType=\"grid\" axisName=\"b\" persistence=-1 curveLabel=\"iG\" analysis=\"tran|pop\" order=\"b\" xLog=\"auto\" yLog=\"lin\" nowarn=true" autopos=0 x=0 y=600 align=LeftBase visible=0 font=Default Netnames pin1="8" pin2="7" .EndInstance Wire x1=4680 y1=480 x2=4680 y2=1560 net="2" branch="+:U1#TOP" Wire x1=4680 y1=480 x2=7200 y2=480 net="2" branch="+:R1#P" Wire x1=1680 y1=480 x2=4680 y2=480 net="2" branch="+:R1#P+:U1#TOP" Wire x1=1680 y1=480 x2=1680 y2=2160 net="2" branch="+:V1#P" Wire x1=7200 y1=480 x2=7200 y2=720 net="2" branch="+:R1#P" Wire x1=3720 y1=2880 x2=4680 y2=2880 net="0" branch="+:Q1#S+:U1#BOT" Wire x1=2400 y1=2880 x2=3720 y2=2880 net="0" branch="+:Q1#S+:U1#BOT+:U1#PWM_RTN" Wire x1=4680 y1=2520 x2=4680 y2=2880 net="0" branch="-:U1#BOT" Wire x1=3720 y1=2520 x2=3720 y2=2880 net="0" branch="-:U1#PWM_RTN" Wire x1=3240 y1=2040 x2=2400 y2=2040 net="3" branch="+:U1#PWM_IN" Wire x1=6360 y1=2040 x2=6600 y2=2040 net="7" branch="" Wire x1=7200 y1=1080 x2=7200 y2=1320 net="5" branch="-:R1#N" Wire x1=2400 y1=2040 x2=2400 y2=2160 net="3" branch="+:V3#P" Wire x1=1680 y1=2880 x2=1680 y2=2640 net="0" branch="-:V1#N" Wire x1=2400 y1=2880 x2=1680 y2=2880 net="0" branch="-:V1#N" Wire x1=2400 y1=2880 x2=2400 y2=3000 net="0" branch="-:V1#N-:Q1#S-:U1#BOT-:U1#PWM_RTN-:V3#N" Wire x1=2400 y1=2640 x2=2400 y2=2880 net="0" branch="-:V3#N" Wire x1=7200 y1=2040 x2=7200 y2=2880 net="0" branch="-:Q1#S" Wire x1=7200 y1=2880 x2=4680 y2=2880 net="0" branch="+:Q1#S" Wire x1=7200 y1=1680 x2=7200 y2=1800 net="6" branch="+:Q1#D" Wire x1=7200 y1=1560 x2=7200 y2=1680 net="6" branch="+:Q1#D" Wire x1=6600 y1=2040 x2=6960 y2=2040 net="7" branch="+:Q1#G" Wire x1=6600 y1=1800 x2=6600 y2=2040 net="7" branch="" Wire x1=5880 y1=2040 x2=6120 y2=2040 net="8" branch="-:U1#PWM_OUT" Wire x1=2520 y1=960 x2=2400 y2=960 net="3" branch="+:X2#IN" Wire x1=2400 y1=960 x2=2400 y2=2040 net="3" branch="+:U1#PWM_IN+:V3#P" Text value=".SIMULATOR SIMPLIS\n.PRINT\n+ ALL\n.OPTIONS\n+ PSP_NPT=100001\n+ POP_OUTPUT_CYCLES=3\n.POP\n+ TRIG_GATE={TRIG_GATE}\n+ TRIG_COND=0_TO_1\n+ MAX_PERIOD=20u\n+ CONVERGENCE=10f\n\n.SIMULATOR DEFAULT\n" SimulatorMode value="Simplis" LicenseInfo version="7.20j" feats=Basic|AD|Micron|Mcore2|Schematic|Advanced|Sim|Scripts|Rtn|SIMPLIS_IF|RemoteSimplis|Va|beta|Vl|Mcore1|Dvm|Mcsp1|Mcsp2 serial=SX601200 user="SIMPLIS Technologies Inc" code=48F6F106266E product="SIMetrix/SIMPLIS" Property name="UserVersion" value="37" type=value Property name="last_hierarchical_path" value="Modeling Blocks\\" type=value .EndSchematic .EndComponent