Module 1 - Overview of the SIMPLIS Environment

Module 1 lays the groundwork for the entire course, by whetting the attendee's appetite through examples and exercises.

In the first section, a number of examples compare and contrast SIMPLIS with more common SPICE-based simulators. Models designed for SIMPLIS use Piecewise Linear (PWL) modeling, and the basics of PWL modeling and the accuracy of PWL models are discussed. The Periodic Operating Point (POP) analysis, which is unique to SIMPLIS is introduced and the AC analysis on the time-domain PWL model is also covered. A brief introduction to the Design Verification Module (DVM) prepares users to automate model testing.

The second section gives the briefest introduction to the Design Verification module (DVM). DVM allows you to run a schematic design through a set of tests to verify the design meets design specification.

The third section describes how the user interface is constructed. In this section, you will learn how to customize the SIMetrix/SIMPLIS interface with new menu items and keyboard shortcuts.

By the end of this module you will understand the basic framework on which all of the following training modules are based.

Demos and Exercise Circuits

While the class is getting settled:

  1. Download the zip archive file.
  2. Unzip the archive to C:\Training\. Example schematic files will be located in directories for each module, such as C:\Training\Module_1_Examples\.
  3. Open whichever schematics from C:\Training\Module_1_Examples\ which spark your interest and run some simulations. Each example file is ready to simulate by simply pressing the F9 key. A listing of the example files and what each example demonstrates is below:
Example Demonstrates...
1.1_SelfOscillatingConverter_POP_AC_Tran.sxsch POP, AC, and Transient Analyses, PWL Models
1.2_SIMPLIS_tutorial_buck_converter.sxsch POP, AC, and Transient Analyses, PWL Models
1.3_LLC_Closed_Loop.sxsch Efficiency Calculator
1.4_PFC_Critical_Conduction_Mode.sxsch Probe measurements, per cycle measurements
  • 1.5_SyncBuck_Digital_PWM.sxsch
  • 1.6_A_SyncBuck_Digital_PWM_POP_AC_Transient.sxsch
Introduction to the SIMPLIS Digital libraries
1.7_simplis_042_lut_dont_care_example.sxsch The power of Digital Look Up Tables
1.8_simplis_002_constant_power_load_example.sxsch The power of PWL modelling
1.9_SIMPLIS_Multiplication.sxsch A case study of multiplication methods
  • 1.10_Class_D_Amplifier_Example_In_to_Out_Response.sxsch
  • 1.11_Class_D_Amplifier_Example_Bode_Plot_Response.sxsch
  • 1.12_Class_D_Amplifier_Example_Transient_Response.sxsch
Use of POP/AC Analysis for a class D amplifier
1.13_LTC3406B - DVM ADVANCED.sxsch General purpose DVM schematic
1.14_LTC3406B-CurrentLimit.sxsch Current limit behavior DVM schematic
1.15_PWL_Capacitor.sxsch Non-linear diode capacitance using a PWL capacitor
1.16_vpwl_ipwl_resistors.sxsch Current limit behavior DVM schematic
1.17_simplis_007_multi_level_pwl_capacitor_example.sxsch MLCC PWL capacitor example w/ error compared to data sheet
1.18_simplis_008_multi_level_pwl_inductor_example.sxsch PWL inductor example w/ Flux error compared to data sheet

Module 1 Outline

Module 1 includes the following topics:

Module Evaluation Form

At the end of the module, please fill out the Module # 1 Evaluation form.