
SIMetrix/SIMPLIS Intro

The SIMetrix/SIMPLIS Intro and SIMetrix Intro are free versions of the program with no license or copying restrictions. Virtually all features are enabled but a circuit size limit applies. The limits for the demo versions are generous enough for them to be used for real work and we are happy for users to do so.
SIMetrix/SIMPLIS Intro »


All of the latest manuals are available on-line in pdf format. Use this page to download the most current product manuals and documentation.
Manuals »


Downloading updates requires that you register your product and have a valid license code. To download product updates, you will be redirected to SIMetrix Technologies' website.
Updates »

Example Circuits

By downloading appropriate examples from this page, you can get a sense of the performance capability of SIMPLIS for circuits that are comparable in topology and complexity to your application. These all require the full version of SIMetrix/SIMPLIS to run.
Example Circuits »

Circuit Templates

These are pre-defined circuit templates that users may use for their own needs to quickly get started. These circuit templates contain the simulation schematic, required components and a readme file.
Circuit Templates »


This is a list of sub-circuits a user may download and add to their simulation circuit. These sub-circuits are not supported.
Sub-Circuits »

Capacitor Models

Kemet has made available a wide selection of models of their capacitors, good for both SIMetrix and SIMPLIS.
Capacitor Models »